Turf Short Course Registration

The University of Arkansas and Oklahoma State University will co-host a turfgrass short course on January 7-8, 2020 in Little Rock, AR. This event is a 2-day, intensive course that covers the basics of turfgrass management, including topics such as turfgrass identification, fertilization, pest control, and best mowing practices. This is a great course for people who may have recently entered the industry or would just like a good refresher course on some of the fundamentals of turfgrass management. The course will run from approximately 8:00-5:00 each day and lunch and snacks will be provided both days.

Dates and Times:

January 7, 2020 – 8:00-5:00

January 8, 2020 – 8:00-4:30


University of Arkansas

Cooperative Extension Office

Educational Wing Auditorium

2301 S. University

Little Rock, AR 72204


$140 / person

Payment by Credit Cards can be made online (register on this page first and then you will prompted to pay) with a credit card or by check. Checks should be made to the University of Arkansas and mailed to:

University of Arkansas

Department of Horticulture

Attn: Shelby Hanson 

316 Plant Sciences Building 

Fayetteville, AR 72701

Contact person:


Matt Bertucci bertucci@uark.edu


Course Registration Form

John Smith



1234 University Ave Fayetteville AR 12345